
ISLAMABAD – The terrorist group, TTP, has been found involved in widespread criminal activities, including robberies and extortion, revealed documentary evidence recovered from terrorists killed by security forces recently. Besides spreading terrorism in Pakistan, the terrorists of Fitna-al-Khawarj have been involved in serious cases of robbery and extortion. In the southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region, particularly in Dera Ismail Khan, the terrorists have started robbing banks.

They conducted three attacks on vehicles carrying bank money on July 9, July 30, and August 8, stealing over Rs56 million. The terrorists also completely destroyed the vehicles carrying the money after looting them. The stolen money was used to pay Rs400,000 to the Khariji Selab faction on the orders of terrorist Noor Wali.

Additionally, Rs1.7 million were distributed among 13 terrorists of the Khariji Abbas faction. According to documentary evidence, the looted money is sent through Hawala to terrorists hiding in Afghanistan’s Laman and Khost regions.

The militant group, essentially a band of thugs and robbers, poses a threat to the lives and property of innocent Pakistani civilians. The terrorists disguise themselves as holy warriors, but their actual aim is to steal money from the Pakistani public to finance the lavish lifestyles of their patrons. These patrons, based in major cities of Afghanistan, live in luxury on the stolen money.

The looted money is also used for terrorism in Pakistan. The misguided lower-tier terrorists directly involved in the attacks are losing their lives for the luxury life of their leaders. There have been conflicts among different factions over the unequal distribution of the stolen money.

Their involvement in such criminal activities proves that the terrorists have no real connection to Islam..

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