
In November 2024, during the ‘Orígenes 2024’ event in Barranco, Anís Samanez generated controversy by recounting his experience with the Shipibo-Konibo indigenous community. The Peruvian designer expressed her discontent because, when proposing a collaboration in which she would exchange her design experience for cultural knowledge of the community, the artisans requested financial compensation, which she considered inappropriate. The reaction of the Shipibo-Konibo community It didn’t take long to wait.

Leaders and artists, such as Olinda Silvano and Milka Franco expressed their indignation, pointing out that Samanez’s words minimized and devalued their ancestral work. Silvano emphasized that her art is sacred and the fruit of an ancestral memory, while Franco reported having received insults and threats from the designer after expressing her disagreement. Shipibo-konibo community announces new campaign The Shipibo-Konibo community has launched a strong call to revalue their ancestral art with the ‘Kushi – The value of being brave’ campaign, an act of cultural resistance that highlights the importance and richness of Amazonian traditions.

This initiative, promoted by the Paracas toilet paper brand, seeks to make visible the lack of recognition that this cultural legacy receives, transmitting a clear and deeply symbolic message. Shipibo art is one of the most representative expressions of the Peruvian Amazon. With its unique designs, reflected in textiles, ce.

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