
Saturday, August 31, 2024 The Seychelles Tourism Department and UNECA held a workshop to evaluate the cruise tourism sector, focusing on cost-benefit analysis and strategic potential. The Seychelles Tourism Department, in partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), hosted a comprehensive two-and-a-half-day consultative workshop starting on Tuesday, August 20. The workshop aimed to thoroughly evaluate the cruise tourism sector in Seychelles, focusing on the cost-benefit analysis and strategic potential of this burgeoning industry.

This workshop followed a situational analysis conducted by UNECA in April 2024. During the event, the delegation returned to present their preliminary findings, providing a platform for key stakeholders to engage in discussions, offer insights, and contribute meaningful feedback. The workshop was inaugurated by key figures including UNECA’s Professor Pius Odunga, Ms.

Carine Rukera, and Dr. Geoffrey Manyara, alongside Mr. Paul Lebon, Director General for Destination Planning and Development within the Seychelles Tourism Department, who officially opened the event.

The primary focus of the workshop was to assess the current state of the cruise tourism sector in Seychelles, examining aspects such as infrastructure, services, and market trends. Participants delved into the challenges and opportunities within the sector, with a particular emphasis on environmental, social, and economic impacts. A significant part of the workshop involved enhancing collaboration among government agencies, local businesses, and communities.

Participants worked towards developing actionable recommendations and crafting a strategic plan aimed at ensuring sustainable growth in the cruise tourism sector. The workshop’s agenda included keynote presentations on global trends, sustainability practices, and relevant case studies on the first day, followed by panel discussions featuring government officials, industry leaders, environmentalists, and community representatives. The second day was dedicated to strategic planning, with breakout sessions focusing on infrastructure development, environmental management, marketing strategies, and community engagement.

The event concluded with a plenary session where outcomes from the breakout sessions were presented, discussed, and prioritized to chart the way forward. The consultants are expected to return in the fourth quarter of the year to validate the findings and present the final report. Given the global scope of the cruise industry and the limited bargaining power of destinations like Seychelles, UNECA is developing strategies to enhance financial outcomes for the country.


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