
"The sky is full of mysteries; with the twinkling stars and the beautiful moon. But, scientific investigation revealed that stars do not twinkle nor does the moon look beautiful. The study therefore, cautions: 'Do not trust what you see, even salt looks like sugar'!" Justice Hema Committee Report on sexual harassment in Malayalam film industry begins with this quote.

The report that has unearthed several dark secrets of the Malayalam Film Industry states that as the probe progressed, it revealed that glamour in the industry is just an exterior glitter, but hovering over the same are, dark clouds of distressed and endured agony, kept hidden from the outside world. The report states that shockingly they came across stories of despair not only from women, but also from men in the industry who are silenced by a powerful lobby of men. "Their anguish and agony die within the Industry, unable to be addressed, with no forum to seek solutions, though their problems are legion," the reports said.

The Justice Hema Committee Report which was made public on August 19, has made several revelations pertaining to the rampant sexual exploitation and abuse prevalent in the Malayalam film industry. The report was published after redacting the identity of the accused persons. But, following the publication, women from the industry started coming forward with there accusations against the big names of the Kerala movie industry including Actor Siddique and Director Ranjith Following the allegations, Siddique quit as the general secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artistes (AMMA) and Rajith resigned as Kerala State Chalachitra Academy chairperson.

The Kerala high court questioned the Kerala government, as to what it plans to do with the accusations around cognizable offence in the report. The Kerala government on August 26, announced the constitution of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the allegations and revelations made against the big stars of Malayalam Cinema. What Is the Justice Hema Committee Report? In 2017, a popular Malayalam actress came forward alleging abduction and sexual assault.

A big name in the industry, Actor Dileep was booked along with seven others on the charges of conspiring to carry out the sexual assault. Following this, the actress also identified herself on social media, which further sent ripples across the film industry. The report in question was prepared by a committee headed by Justice K.

Hema. The committee was established in 2017 by the Kerala government headed by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan to probe various issues faced by women in the film industry and suggest solutions to the same. What Does The Hema Committee Report Say? The Hema Committee report has recorded instances of sexual harassment, abuse and assault in the Malayalam industry and stated that the film industry is under the clutches of certain male producers, directors and actors, whom a prominent actor referred to as a “mafia,” who possessed the power to ban anyone from the industry.

Sexual Harassment A Major Issue, Women Silenced By Powerful Men In Malayalam Cinema The Hema committee report stated that it has found evidence that certain men in Malayalam cinema, who are well-known and well reputed for their ability as artists or directors in the film industry have shocked certain women in cinema by sexual harassment, and making physical advances at them. It states that the major issue which the women face in the film industry is sexual harassment. The report said that the women in cinema are most reluctant to speak about the sexual harassment they face, even to other women or close relatives.

It added that most of the women in cinema, who are known to be very bold, are reluctant and hesitant to divulge their bad experiences in cinema, particularly, of sexual harassment. They are scared to disclose it even to their colleagues in cinema, fearing consequences which they may have to face. They fear that they would be banned from cinema and be subjected to other harassments, since the accused persons are powerful in cinema and all men in cinema will stand together with him.

The women in cinema also fear that they will be targeted on social media using fans and fan clubs, and would have to face severe online harassment against them in social media. According to the report they also apprehend threats to life, not only to themselves but, even to the close family members if they speak up. "They are thus silenced in cinema," the report said.

"We noticed in the beginning that the girls or women were very hesitant to divulge their experiences even to the committee about sexual harassment in cinema. We realised that the reason was not merely womanly embarrassment but, they were scared that they will be harmed by the perpetrators, in case the information reaches their ears." Harassment Prevalent Since Black & White Era The committee said that after interacting with both men and women in cinema who belong to old generations (black and white era) as well as new generation, it found that women faced problems since the Malayalam film industry originated.

One of the witnesses from the old generation stated that women in cinema have a lot of problems but the main problem is that there is no authority to redress the grievances of women. They cannot open their mouths to make a complaint. And in case a complaint is made against an artist to the producer, if such artist has good market value, the producer will not avoid him as cinema is a business to him.

If he avoids certain artists, he will suffer losses. Harassment Starts As Soon As Women Enter Industry According to women in cinema, harassment starts from the very inception. It is revealed from the statements of various witnesses who were examined before the committee that production controller or whoever gives an offer for role in cinema first' approaches the woman/girl or if it is the other way and, a woman approaches any person in cinema seeking a chance in cinema, she is told that she has to make "adjustments" and "compromise" to take her in cinema.

"Compromise' and 'adjustment' are two terms which are very familiar among women in the Malayalam film industry." The women are even asked to make themselves available for sex on demand. One of the artists stated before the commIttee that normally, a woman goes for audition on seeing advertisements on Facebook or some other social media and if she responds, she gets a phone call, informing that she is found suitable for the role.

She will then be asked to meet the producer or director. She will also be told that she will have to "compromise "and "adjust:". Enablers Create Impression That All Women In Industry Are Retained Only Because They Have Sex With Men The new entrants are made to believe that all women in the Industry are retained only because they have sex with men in the industry.

This impression is created by none other than people within the industry itself, to persuade new corners to surrender to demands for sex. There are occasions where such an idea is convincingly conveyed to the aspirants and certain women/girls newcomers are exploited, "By the time they realise that they are trapped, it will be too late. It has come out in evidence that there is a general assumption and misunderstanding in cinema that women come to cinema only for making money and that they would surrender to anything.

This impression is created in society also to the extent which is contrary to the facts, it is stated by the witnesses. Certain witnesses stated before us that some people believe that women who are 'acting in cinema would sleep with anybody for money. Some new corners believe this and they become victims of sexual exploitation.

" The committee report further said that many women in cinema stated before us that after WCC was formed, they found a forum where they could safely disclose instances of sexual harassment which they have gone through. Till then, they were all keeping to themselves, all their experiences and suffering the brunt that they have gone through, not being able to disclose it even to family members since their parents were reluctant to send them to cinema because of the bad name for the film industry. "There may be instances of consensual sex, but women in cinema generally, are not willing to share bed to get a chance in cinema.

Another witness stated before the committee that there may also be women who would be willing to adjust to the demands and she herself has seen certain mothers who are conniving at the situation and believe that there is nothing wrong in it. The witness stated that this is a shocking reality. According to women in cinema, it is a sad state of affairs that a woman has to surrender to sexual demands for her to get a job in cinema whereas there is no such state of affair in any other field, it was pointed out by many witnesses who are examined before the committee.

" Stereotype Against Women The report said that the majority of men working in cinema think that the women who are willing to act in intimate scenes in cinema will also be willing to do the same off-set also. Therefore, men in the industry make open demands for sex, without any embarrassment. Even if women are not interested in having any sexual contact with them, demands are made for sex, by offering to give more chances in cinema notwithstanding their resentment and objection to such demands.

The report said that newcomers are most vulnerable to such exploitations. Video Clips, WhatsApp Chats As Evidence Some of the witnesses also produced certain video clips, audio clips, screenshots of WhatsApp messages etc., to establish the fact that there is demand for sex for the very entry into cinema and that certain people in the industry persuade them to make themselves available for sex.

Many women emphatically stated before the committee that this situation in Cinema should be stopped. "On considering the various statements made by women in cinema and the documents available before us and also the evidence given by certain men, we are fully satisfied that women in cinema face a difficult situation by demanding sex for the very entry into cinema." Women Don't Drink Water On Sets Due To Non-Availability Of Toilets The report further highlighted lack of proper toilets, changing rooms and safe caravans on the film sets.

The report said that women are being denied basic human rights on the sets of the Malayalam film industry. Almost all women who spoke to the committee stated that there are no toilets or changing rooms on the set. According to the report, women have to find a place on their own which may include trees, behind the bushes in a forest to pass urine on outdoor shoots.

During menstruation, women have to face very tough situations as they don't even have access to water or fresh sanitary napkins, nor any facility to dispose of the used ones. This has also resulted in health issues like urinary infections and other physical discomfort to women in cinema. Many women have been hospitalised because of this.

According to most of the witnesses, women do not even drink water on the set, to prevent the urge for urination. They withhold the urge for urination. This has become a habit for women in cinema and many of them suffer from urinary infection and physical problems.

It also came to light that caravans are only provided for top actors and actresses and junior artists and other staff on the set have to manage on their own. "We have asked men about this horrible state of affairs in the film industry. One man admitted that such a situation exists and it has to change.

But few others, including a very prominent actor, stated that women were working in cinema since the past so many years and they were pushing on, without any complaints. They were somehow adjusting to the situation..

.They used to go to some nearby houses or some other convenient places, where clothes are held to change dress and for urination and therefore, it is only a question of adjustment by women in cinema and therefore, lack of toilet facility need not be taken seriously, it is stated by certain men in film industry." Fear Of Compromised Privacy, Spycams Among Women Regarding changing rooms, one suggestion came from certain witnesses examined before the Committee that a caravan or a vehicle can be kept as a substitute for a changing room where women can comfortably change their dress.

But, most of the women objected to this idea because this is a time when hidden cameras are easily available and it is possible that such cameras will be installed in enclosed changing rooms and hence, in all probabilities, on the very next day their privacy will be exposed on social media and the entire process will be flashed on the internet. "Therefore, the women pointed out that any permanent set-up for changing rooms will also not be a solution for the problem.".

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