
MEN put on more weight than women after marriage, a study shows. Blokes’ obesity rates were found to triple after tying the knot, while there was no increase for married females. 1 The sex which puts on more weight after marriage has been revealed in a major new study Credit: Getty Husbands were 62 per cent more likely to be overweight than single fellas, and 3.

2 times likelier to be obese. Meanwhile, wives were 39 per cent more likely to be overweight than unattached ladies but obesity was no likelier. Study author Dr Alicja Cicha- Mikolajczyk, from Poland’s National Institute of Cardiology, said: “Marital status has an undeniable impact on overweight or obesity in adulthood.

” Being married was a stronger weight trigger for men while age was bigger for women, according to analysis of 2,405 people aged 36 to 61. READ MORE HEALTH NEWS TRAGIC DIAGNOSIS Mum’s symptoms mistaken for muscle twitches - then given ‘death sentence’ TWICE AS NICE The surprising health benefits of giving blood - how it could save YOUR life She said married females may let things slide a little but get back in shape before becoming too fat. Obese women are often stigmatised more than blokes, she added.

Dr Joanna Syrda, of the University of Bath, conducted previous research showing men’s body mass index rises post-marriage and falls around divorce. She said: “Individuals who are ‘on the market’ have more incentive and exert more effort to stay fit than those already or still married..

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