
This story previously aired on June 1, 2024. Produced by Gayane Keshishyan Mendez and Tom Seligson. When "48 Hours" first investigated the case of Rodney Alcala, he had been convicted of the murder of five California women.

But it wasn't over; he would be tied to other cold cases. A series of photos that Alcala had taken and posted online by "48 Hours" would lead to one woman finally finding out what happened to her sister who had vanished almost 40 years ago. How many other cases are there? In Los Angeles in 1968, 8-year-old Tali Shapiro was walking to school when a car pulled up alongside her.

Chris Camacho | Former detective, LAPD : I was out doing my patrols. We just started our shift that day. And I was driving down Sunset Boulevard.

And I had received a call, a beige-colored car with no license plates following this little girl. Steve Hodel | Former detective, LAPD : A Good Samaritan, a witness, sees the little girl, the little 8-year-old Tali get in the car. Thinks it's suspicious, follows him, and puts a call into LAPD.

Former Los Angeles Police Officer Chris Camacho reached the location and knocked on the door. Chris Camacho : I said, "Police officer. Open the door.

I need to talk to you." This male appeared at the door. I will always remember that face at that door, very evil face.

And he says, "I'm – I'm in the shower. I got to get dressed." And I told him, "OK, you got 10 seconds.

" ...

Finally, I kicked the door in. The image will be with me forever. We could se.

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