
ART Peter Hujar: Eyes Open in the Dark Queer life in New York in the 70s and 80s. Abandoned buildings, street scenes and intimate portraits of writers, artists, musicians and drag queens. The great American photographer Peter Hujar captured them all in his ravishing, unflinching black-and-white images.

This is the first posthumous exhibition to have access to the complete span of Hujar’s work. Adrian Searle Raven Row, London, 29 January to 6 April Ithell Colquhoun: Between Worlds Surreal name, surreal artist, but Ithell Colquhoun had real talent. This lifelong occult believer and practitioner had a haunting ability to dredge sensual, confounding images from her unconscious.

Those were pearls that were her eyes, seeing magic in the rock pools of the British shoreline. A genius of seaside surrealism. Jonathan Jones Tate St Ives, 1 February to 5 May Linder: Danger Came Smiling Ever since she revived the cut-up montage methods of Dada to create punk art for Buzzcocks in 1970s Manchester, Linder has been investigating and upending mass imagery, with a feminist perspective and acute intelligence.

This is a well-deserved retrospective of a subversive and unrelenting British art hero. JJ Hayward Gallery, London, 11 February to 5 May Resistance This compendious exhibition charts a history of protests across the UK, and looks at how photography has documented and driven change. Conceived by Steve McQueen, Resistance takes us from the 1903 suffragette movement to anti-Iraq war protest.

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