
Staff report Columbia Gorge News HOOD RIVER — Sense of Place continues its 15th anniversary season with Geology Alive: Understanding Geologic Hazards in the Gorge, a presentation with geologist Dr. Richard “Dick” Iverson, Scientist Emeritus at the U.S.

Geological Survey’s Cascades Volcano Observatory. This event will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at the Columbia Center for the Arts in Hood River, Oregon.

Doors open at 6 p.m., and the hour-and-a-half show begins at 7 p.

m. The presentation will also be livestreamed for virtual attendees. Purchase tickets at givebutter.

com/geologyalive . Advanced purchase is encouraged. In this presentation, Dr.

Iverson will dive into the geological forces that shape the scenic beauty of the Columbia River Gorge. He will speak to how earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides and debris flows still occur in the area today and to the scope, severity, and likelihood of these hazards occurring in the future. Dr.

Iverson will also explain how scientists use evidence from both the geological past and historical records to assess these risks, and how they forecast future events to help prepare Gorge residents and visitors for potential hazards. “We are excited to welcome Dr. Iverson to discuss the incredible yet potentially hazardous geological processes that shape the Gorge,” said Sarah Fox, host of Sense of Place.

“His experience and deep knowledge will provide the audience with a new appreciation of the natural forces at work in .

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