Selena Gomez is in her fiancee era, as the singer-actor recently got engaged to her partner, music producer Benny Blanco. The couple took to Instagram to share photos from their super casual yet romantic picnic complete with Mexican food from Taco Bell. When the 32-year-old flaunted her ring, fans noticed it was a marquise and believed she manifested it when she sang Good for You in 2015.
The lyrics go: “I'm on my marquise diamonds / I'm a marquise diamond / Could even make that Tiffany jealous.” Blanco most likely took inspiration from her lyrics and proposed to her with a ring similar to the one she sang about. Calling it a “remarkable choice for engagement rings”, Ricky Vasandani, CEO and Co-Founder of Solitario Lab Grown Diamond, tells us, “They have a unique and regal appeal.
The elongated oval shape with pointed sets it apart from other diamond cuts. It also creates the illusion of longer, more slender fingers, making it universally flattering.” History of this diamond The origins of the marquise cut dates back to the 18th century.
King Louis XV of France commissioned a jeweller to create a unique diamond shape that was comparable to the lips of his mistress the Marquise de Pompadour. A favourite for a choice few The couple is one of the few celebrities to opt for Marquise Diamonds. First lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis married John F.
Kennedy in September 1953 with an emerald-cut diamond flanked by tapered baguettes, which was later replaced with marquise-c.