
From sesame and pumpkin to hemp and chia, seeds are often overlooked. A nutritionist breaks down the health benefits of each type. Few would argue with the oft-repeated health advice to eat more nuts and seeds , and while grabbing a handful of nuts is an easy snack, seeds are often overlooked.

Even science is guilty of this. A 2022 review called for more nutritional research to be focused on seeds to understand their unique health benefits, because although they have a comparable nutritional profile, most clinical studies are conducted only on nuts. So what do we know about these nutritional heavy-hitters? Defined as “a small plant enclosed in a seed coat that works as stored food to nourish the plant as it grows”, it’s a given that seeds contain a wide range of nutrients.

First off, seeds are a great source of fibre, which aids gut health and appetite regulation. They also contain healthy fats, many important vitamins, minerals and cancer-protective antioxidants. So while the science catches up, it’s fairly safe to say that seeds, like nuts, have myriad health benefits including reduced blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure .

With so many varieties lining the supermarket shelves, which ones are the healthiest? How much should you be eating? Is organic better? And what are some simple and tasty ways to use them in the kitchen? Let’s dig deeper into the wonderful world of seeds..

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