
You can now stay in a beautiful cottage which has its own waterfall and a stream that runs underneath. Visions of a JRR Tolkien novel? Just you bet. Heron Place, a luxury holiday cottage located in Langdale Valley, offers the chance to switch off and enjoy nature – from both inside property and outside.

Available from Wheelwrights, with prices starting from £2782 per week – just under £50 a night if eight adults are staying. The Oxendale Beck stream A small stream that flows through the valley of Great Langdale, originating in the high fells above the valley before joining the River Brathay downstream. This stream runs down the garden at Heron Place and under the house, which is incorporated as a feature in the garden room with glass floor to view the impressive natural beauty.

As well as having full view of a waterfall...

Matthew Evans.

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