
The following is a listing of all home transfers in Essex County reported from Aug. 12 to Aug. 18.

There were 123 transactions posted during this time. During this period, the median sale for the area was a 3,372-square-foot home on South 10th Street in Newark that sold for $640,000. Belleville 110 Overlook Ave.

, Belleville, $520,000, 1,518 square feet, $343 per square-foot. More realestate news See all homes sold in Cape May County, Aug. 12 to Aug.

18 See all homes sold in Ocean County, Aug. 12 to Aug. 18 Why this very popular style home sold for $426K above its asking price One of N.

J.’s wealthiest towns to get first luxury apartment complex amid controversy See all homes sold in these New Jersey counties, July 29 to Aug. 4.

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