
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin Aug. 23, 2044—exactly 20 years from today—will see a very special total solar eclipse in North ..

. [+] America. getty If you saw April’s total solar eclipse in North America, you’ll know that we all had to strain our necks to see it because it was so high in the sky.

At the next total solar eclipse in the continental U.S. it will be possible to stand in parts of Montana and the Dakotas and see totality occur just moments before an eclipsed sun sets on the western horizon.

Every total solar eclipse has a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s observable from a roughly 10,000 miles long, 150 miles wide path of totality. Be in the right place at the right time and you can see a totally eclipsed sunrise or sunset.

Mostly, however, those points occur far out to sea. That makes Tuesday, Aug. 23, 2044—exactly 20 years from today—a very special total solar eclipse.

Here’s everything you need to know about it: Forbes Six Cruises For The Next Total Solar Eclipse Exactly Two Years Today By Jamie Carter Sunset Eclipse As well as being the next one many North Americans will see, it will be a relatively rare chance to see a “horizon-proximity” totality. It will look something like that seen on July 11, 2010 from El Calafate in Argentina. There should also be a good chance to see one on Aug.

12, 2026 at the next total solar eclipse. For that, place yourself on one of Spain’s Balearic Islands (Mallorca, Minorca or Ibiza). During a sunset solar eclipse, the moon blocks the sun and reveals its outer solar corona, a diffuse whitish light, the sight of which stuns onlookers in its ethereal beauty.

During a sunset totality, the corona is orange for the same reason that a setting sun is. The path of totality on Aug. 23, 2044, reproduced with permission from eclipse cartographer Michael .

.. [+] Zeiler’s Atlas of Solar Eclipses – 2020 to 2045.

Michael Zeiler/GreatAmericanEclipse.com MORE FOR YOU Will Beyoncé Perform At DNC’s Final Night? Conflicting Reports After TMZ Says She’ll Appear. Will Beyoncé Perform At DNC Tonight? Here’s What We Know As Rumors Swirl.

Trump Denies Project 2025 Links In Response To Harris’ DNC Speech: ‘I Have Absolutely Nothing To Do With’ It Remote Path On Aug. 23, 2044, a total solar eclipse lasting a maximum of 2 minutes 4 seconds will rise in western Greenland, cross northwestern Canada and set in the U.S.

The remote path of totality crosses just five million people. function loadConnatixScript(document) { if (!window.cnxel) { window.

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However, the sunset eclipse will only be seen in the U.S. states of Montana, South Dakota and North Dakota.

The western U.S. states will see a big partially eclipsed sunset—a stunning sight in itself.

Path Of Totality: Canada At 281 miles/453 kilometers wide on average, the path of totality on Aug. 23, 2044 will be wider than most, largely because the moon’s shadow will cross near the north pole. The maximum duration of totality—at 2 minutes 4 seconds—will occur just south of Great Bear Lake in Canada’s Northwest Territories.

The path will then cross the Mackenzie Highway in the Northwest Territories, just south of Jean Marie River, before moving across the northeastern part of British Columbia, from northwest to southeast Alberta and southwest Saskatchewan. On Aug. 23, 2044, the western half of the U.

S. will see a stunning partially eclipsed sunset—but the ..

. [+] lucky ones in Montana and the Dakotas will see a total solar eclipse low on the horizon. (Photo by TORSTEN BLACKWOOD/AFP via Getty Images) AFP via Getty Images Path Of Totality: U.

S. The path will then continue through Alberta to finish in Montana, South Dakota and North Dakota—where the Great Plains meet the Badlands and where an eclipse sunset will be visible on the horizon. Good places to view in the U.

S. will include Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge , Sleeping Buffalo Rock and Monument and Glasgow, Montana, and Theodore Roosevelt National Park , North Dakota. ‘Golden Corona’ It may last just 1 minute 44 seconds in the U.

S. but the the sight of a golden solar corona could make 2044’s arguably one of the most dramatic total solar eclipses. The next total solar eclipse in the continental U.

S. will occur on March 30, 2033 over Alaska, with St. Lawrence Island, Utqiagvik, Kotzebue and Nome the best places to be for a totality lasting up to 2 minutes 37 seconds.

Jamie Carter is the editor of WhenIsTheNextEclipse.com . Wishing you clear skies and wide eyes.


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