Director Chandramohan, known for his earlier works like Bombay Mittai and Double Engine, is all set to bring his next venture Forest to the big screen this week. With an ensemble cast featuring Chikkanna, Anish Tejeshwar, Gurunandan, Rangayana Raghu, and Archana Kottige in key roles, Forest is set to be a thrilling blend of adventure and comedy. Produced by NM Kantaraj under the banner of NMK Cinemas, the film, according to the makers is expected to create a buzz with its unique storyline and diverse cast.
In a media interaction, director Chandramohan shared exciting insights about the film: “Forest is an adventure-comedy that revolves around five main characters. Chikkanna, Anish Tejeshwar, Gurunandan, Rangayana Raghu, and Archana Kottige play significant roles, and we also have Sharanya Shetty making an appearance. The film was shot across diverse locations, including the Sampaje forest in Madikeri, Male Mahadeshwara Hills, and Bengaluru.
We spent 25 days filming in these beautiful yet challenging locations, which adds to the intrigue surrounding the plot.” Talking about the writing process, Chandramohan says, “Sathya Shaurya Sagar and I have penned the story and screenplay. The teaser, songs, and trailer have already resonated with audiences, and we’re confident that the full film will be just as exciting.
” The film’s music by Dharmavish and Veer Samarth, has Ravi Kumar taking care of the cinematography. Editing is handled by Arjun Kittu. Producer Kantaraj, who.