Screen Queensland has announced the latest recipients of its digital games funding, confirming 12 projects will share in AUD $1.3 million funding, with this designed to boost development, and help studios reach the next level. As outlined in a press release, Australian sales of video games have risen to AUD $4.
21 billion as of this year, which has inspired a movement to fund new, creative projects in Queensland and beyond. Local games-related employment in the state has risen by 68.5% across studios supported by Screen Queensland from 2023 to 2024, with around 263 jobs added.
An additional 40 positions are expected to be created with the latest round of Screen Queensland funding, with nine independent studios being backed to grow well into the future. The organisation’s Games Grants funding awards up to AUD $200,000 to projects per round, with a lifetime project cap of AUD $300,000. The 15% is also aiding development for three studios, with this reducing overheads and allowing for further employment opportunities.
“Screen Queensland’s investment extends across all levels of the local sector and that is paying dividends, with renewed confidence in our state’s studios and the games they are developing,” Jacqui Feeney, Screen Queensland CEO said of this latest round of funding. “We are proud to be driving a step-change in ambition and opportunity across an industry where Queenslanders can be world leaders in the creation of unique and innovative games.” Amongst the.