
Crofting generates £588 million a year for Scotland’s economy, a new report says. The “landmark” findings are from the Crofting Commission, which commissioned Biggar Economics to measure the sector’s impact in gross value added (GVA) terms. The commission described Biggar’s findings as “staggering” and “extraordinary”.

Biggar found Scottish crofting sustains 30,385 jobs across the country. Scottish crofting’s ‘pivotal’ role The report – The Value of Crofting – paints a picture of a sector that “punches well above its weight”, the commission said. It added: “A remarkable 80% of the wealth created by crofting is retained within the crofting counties, illustrating its pivotal role in revitalising rural communities.

“Crofting also delivers exceptional value for public investment. For every £1 of public funds invested in crofting, an impressive £13 GVA is generated for the Scottish economy.” chairman Malcolm Mathieson continued: “This report confirms what we’ve always known – crofting is a vital part of Scotland’s economic fabric.

“It’s not just about agriculture; it’s about creating sustainable livelihoods and thriving communities in some of the most beautiful but challenging parts of the Highlands and Islands. “These figures clearly show us that the benefits to rural communities, if crofting regulation were to be extended to all of Scotland, could benefit the whole country.” Crofting Commission’s boss says report ‘underscores the importance of continued support’ for the sector Commission chief executive Gary Campbell said the report would be a platform for further research.

Mr Campbell added: “The methodology used by Biggar and the conclusions that have been drawn show crofting plays a critical role in environmental stewardship, cultural preservation and the fight against climate change, all of which we plan to use as basis for future research. “Overall, though, this report underscores the importance of continued support for crofting as we build a prosperous and resilient future for Scotland.” The report highlights crofting’s ability to sustain communities around Scotland.

It also showcases the sector’s resilience, adaptability and “significant” potential for future growth. Key Findings The full report can be found on the ..

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