Ballots counted by an absentee and special precinct board did not move the needle much on close races in Scott County. An additional 63 ballots were counted in Scott County by an absentee and special precinct board that met Tuesday to review provisional ballots as well as military ballots that arrived after Election Day. The Scott County Board of Supervisors canvassed the 2024 election results with those additional ballots Wednesday morning, finalizing one step in the certification of election results.
A canvass is an official tally of the election results. In Scott County, there were 52 provisional ballots, which are set aside by poll workers if a voter doesn't have all the requirements to vote at the time. That number included records of a few challenges that were already resolved at the polls — in those cases the voter's ballot was already counted in election night tallies.
Ballots were held as provisional for a variety reasons. Some voters had not brought ID to the polls, and needed to bring ID to the Auditor's Office to have their ballot counted. Some voters were flagged as being convicted of a felony and the Iowa Secretary of State's Office verified if they'd completed requirements to have their voting rights restored.
One hadn't surrendered a requested absentee ballot at the Election Day polling location. A few were flagged as late registrations, and the Auditor's Office verified the voters hadn't voted anywhere else in order to count the ballot. The board also decid.