
BARTLETT — If you live in Bartlett and haven’t received your tax bill yet, you’re not alone. And it’s not the town’s fault. SAU 9, which has been short-staffed for more than six months, has been slow in getting its paperwork into the state for the Department of Revenue Administration to set the tax rate.

Typically, tax bills go out around Thanksgiving and the vast majority are paid by the end of the year. But with no influx of funds from tax bills, Bartlett has to borrow funds to pay its bills. “We’re upset, and we’re concerned,” Gene Chandler, Bartlett selectmen’s chair, said on Dec.

12. “It’s out of our hands. It’s unfortunate.

” He added: “We’re just waiting like everyone else. ..

. I sympathize with the SAU, but we do tax bills every year and need them to go out in a timely fashion. I’m not interested in pointing blame.

I’m interested in getting it fixed.” Scott Grant, the longest-serving member of the Bartlett School Board, is not happy the town doesn’t have a tax rate while other towns in SAU 9 have had theirs since last month. “It’s not the selectmen’s fault, it’s the SAUs,” he said by phone Friday.

“Jackson got its tax rate last month and we pay more to the SAU than they do yet we’re still waiting, it’s not right.” Grant contends that the SAU should pay any fines the town incurs along with the interest it loses in having to borrow funds. At Thursday’s SAU 9 Board meeting, which brings together representatives f.

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