
The much-hyped film ‘Saripodhaa Sanivaaram’ couldn’t pull in grand openings, despite huge promotions by the team and it reportedly garnered Rs 6 Cr plus net collections in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. “Its opening day collections are just ok and not big enough,’ says a distributor, who adds, “It should have made more than Rs 10 or 11 crore since it has long way to go recover Rs 25 crores plus in twin Telugu states,” he adds. The collections are expected to pick up, even though, it received divided response.

“It received mixed response and some are saying it is novel film, while others are slamming clichéd scenes and it is expected to pick up this weekend, since there is no other film to compete with,” he points out. He claims that actor Nani has gained some action image and his action sequences are drawing whistles in many B&C centers in Telugu states and it is good sign that a section of masses have accepted him as a action hero,” he concludes..

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