
FARGO — As technology evolves, Sanford Fargo officials say they're meeting that change to provide world-class health care close to home. On Wednesday, Oct. 23, staff hosted a panel discussion at The Lights in West Fargo to talk about the technologies in AI and robotics they use.

They introduced an ExcelsiusGPS, an ion technology, a da Vinci robotic surgical system and a GI genius. They use those resources for spine and cranial procedures, and to enhance lung and colon cancer detection. Since 2002, staff say they've helped nearly 4,000 patients with these resources.

"That made me really think how efficient we are in the operating room, how it can improve outcomes, decrease operating times and improve precision. And some of them would not be doable without a robot," said Dr. Alexander Drofa, a neurosurgeon that spoke about ExcelsiusGPS.

"10 years down the road, just about everything is going to be minimally invasive with some surgeons being there to help if there's issues with minimally invasive surgery," said Dr. Mentor Ahmeti, a trauma surgeon..

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