
In San Nicolas, at the base of the hill leading to Lago Heights and adjacent to the refinery’s wall, lies a park that residents use daily for exercise or as a shortcut to Lago Heights. Unfortunately, this area shows clear signs of neglect and deterioration, reflecting a lack of action and attention from a government that, despite its promises and resources, fails to maintain this vital community space. Neighbors express their frustration and fear of retaliation for speaking out, all while witnessing the decline of a place that offers a unique view of the refinery.

The neglect is striking: rusty equipment, an unkempt area, and uncontrolled weeds. This stands in stark contrast to a government that boasts about a budget surplus while seemingly ignoring this community’s needs. Many residents in San Nicolas are reluctant to voice their concerns openly, fearing retaliation and feeling unheard.

The signs of neglect are evident, with broken benches and damaged equipment contributing to a sense of abandonment that deeply troubles the community. Recently, a team conducted a partial cleaning, but since then, no further action has been taken. The park provides a rare and fascinating view of the refinery—one that is not easily observed elsewhere.

Residents believe that a nearby hotel could attract tourists eager to enjoy this unique perspective, yet no steps have been taken to capitalize on this potential. The community suggests that an environmental fund could revitalize the refinery with vibrant colors, transforming it into a tourist attraction. One local resident expressed their disappointment: despite a strong desire to exercise, they find the park’s equipment unusable due to its poor condition.

Many people feel sad about the decline of a once-beautiful space due to neglect. A retiree even volunteered his time to help with maintenance but feels ignored in his efforts. As we approach election season, politicians are expected to make promises of change, but as always, little seems concrete.

The community mourns the deterioration of this once-beautiful park, feeling that no one is taking action. In comparison, other parks on nearby islands attract thousands with their beauty, leaving San Nicolas feeling left behind. The community hopes for a renewed effort to restore and improve this beloved park for everyone to enjoy.


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