Veteran actress Saira Banu marked her late mother Naseem Banu’s birth anniversary on January 1 with a moving Instagram post. The actress shared a collection of rare throwback photos and a heartfelt note, celebrating the life and legacy of the first female superstar of Indian cinema, lovingly called “Pari Chehra.” In her emotional post, Saira described her mother as a woman of extraordinary strength who shaped her world with resilience and love.
Recalling their family dynamics, Saira wrote, “Life thrust us into single parenthood early on, and at just 16, Appaji took on the mantle of our protector and guide.” Despite personal challenges, Naseem Banu ensured her children were well-cared for, balancing their upbringing in London with strong ties to their Indian roots. Saira recounted Naseem Banu’s groundbreaking journey in Indian cinema, beginning with her role as Empress Noorjahan in Sohrab Modi’s Pukar.
The film’s impact was so profound that audiences revered her presence on screen. Saira also shared that legends like Dilip Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan regarded Naseem as the most beautiful woman they had ever seen. Also Read: Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco Ring in 2025 with Love and Memories: A Glimpse into Their Beautiful Journey Beyond her beauty, Naseem Banu was a visionary who redefined cinematic fashion and makeup, influencing Saira’s iconic career.
Saira Banu credited her mother for every success in her life, describing her as a pillar of strength, wisdom, .