Singer Mika Singh has come forward with a generous gesture to reward Bhajan Singh, the autorickshaw driver who rushed Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan to the hospital. Saif was attacked at his Bandra residence on January 16. Singh announced that he would be gifting Rs 1 lakh to the auto driver for his bravery and quick action.
Saif Ali Khan, who was attacked by an intruder with a knife at his home, needed immediate medical attention. Bhajan Singh, who was nearby, quickly came to his aid and transported the actor to the hospital, despite the gravity of the situation. Remarkably, Bhajan refused any payment from Saif for his efforts, emphasizing that he was just doing what anyone would do in a crisis.
Mika Singh, in a show of support for the auto driver, reposted a news article about the reward on his social media and urged Saif Ali Khan to increase the reward amount to Rs 11 lakh. Mika stated, “I strongly believe he deserves a reward of at least Rs 11 lakh for saving India’s favourite superstar. His heroic act is truly commendable!” Mika further expressed his desire to reward the driver and said he would personally contribute Rs 1 lakh as a token of appreciation.
Call For Higher Reward Though Saif has reportedly already rewarded Bhajan with Rs 50,000, Mika’s call for a higher reward highlights the public admiration for the driver’s brave actions. “If possible, could you please share his contact information with me? I’d like to reward him with Rs 1 lakh as a token of .