Saif Ali Khan's friends, family, and fans breathed a sigh of relief on Tuesday after the actor walked out of the Lilavati Hospital in good spirits. It is important to note that the actor was stabbed repeatedly by an intruder named Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir alias Vijay Das (30), inside his 12-floor apartment in the wee hours of January 16. Now, almost a week after the attack, Saif Ali Khan has registered his statement with the Mumbai police.
As per sources, Saif Ali Khan said in his statement that on the night of January 16, he and his wife Kareena Kapoor were in their bedroom when they heard the screams of their nurse Eliyama Phillip. After hearing her screams, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan ran towards their youngest son Jeh's room, where Phillip also sleeps, where they found an unidentified intruder. Saif Ali Khan, in his statement, said that Jeh was crying repeatedly, but as he attempted to restrain the man, a struggle ensued, leading the intruder to stab Saif Ali Khan multiple times in his back, neck, and arms, loosening his grip.
Saif Ali Khan further said that despite his grave injuries he pushed the intruder away, while the household staff ran out of the room with Jeh. They then locked the attacker in the room from where he later escaped. After the attack unfolded, Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai where he underwent emergency surgery.
Three days after the attack, the police arrested the accused from neighbouring Th.