
The Russia-Ukraine war, which has been raging since 2022, has witnessed a major escalation lately, with Russian President recently describing the Oreshnik missile as a “state-of-the-art, modern and very new weapon”. Published: December 22, 2024 10:12 PM IST By Edited by : On Sunday, December 22, Russian President Vladimir Putin was asked if recent events could lead to World War III. He urged people not to spread fear, but did acknowledge that the risks were increasing.

Putin told Russian journalist Pavel Zarubin that there was no need to frighten anyone, but agreed that many of the dangers were increasing. He also claimed that Russia’s rivals were making the situation more tense and said that, if that was what they wanted, so be it, according to a report by the Sputnik India media house. Russia would always react to any challenges, said Putin and said he believed that, when current opponents and potential partners recognized this, they would understand the importance of finding compromises to resolve issues.

VERY NEW WEAPON: ORESHNIK On Thursday (December 19), Putin had described the Oreshnik as a “state-of-the-art, modern and very new weapon”. He made this statement in response to a Western campaign criticizing Russia’s latest intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM). Russian military experts claim the US and its European allies are spreading rumours and conducting a propaganda campaign about the Oreshnik missile’s abilities because they lack an air defence .

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