In a rather shocking incident, a Russian state-owned media outlet aired explicit photos of Melania Trump on live television, following her husband Donald Trump's resounding victory in the US presidential election. The incident occurred on Tuesday when Russia-1's '60 Minutes' program broadcast images from Melania's 2000 GQ nude photoshoot. The controversial segment has sparked outrage and widespread criticism on social media.
Also Read: In biggest blindness breakthrough, Japan performs world's first stem cell-treatment to restore vision The segment, shared by Russian media monitor Julia Davis on X, began with anchor Yevgeny Popov stating that Melania Trump is ""Now that Melania Trump's husband has finally won, she is getting ready to come back to the White House for a second time". As Popov spoke, several images from Melania's 2000 photo shoot appeared on screen. He zoomed in on the images, commenting, "See here how Melania looked in the year 2000.
" The Russian TV segment aired the photos in what it claimed was an "honour" of Donald Trump's re-election victory. The nude photos, which were reportedly taken in 2000 on Trump’s Boeing 727, show Melania in various poses, including one where she lies on fur in a nightgown, as well as several shots near a private plane. Popov detailed the photos, saying, “The future first lady is lying on fur in a nightgown,” and described more images showing Melania near and inside the private aircraft.
The airing of Melania Trump’s nude pho.