
RUSSIAN troops withdraw from Syria ­yesterday — following the toppling of the regime of Vladimir Putin’s ally Bashar al-Assad. Moscow ordered military units out from posts in the Alawite Mountains but reportedly plans to keep an airbase and naval facility manned. 4 Russian troops preparing to get out of Syria following Assad's ousting Credit: Channel 4 4 Scores of Russian military trucks waving flags were seen leaving Syria Credit: Channel 4 Military sources said equipment and senior ­Syrian officers were also being evacuated.

Footage from Syria shows hordes of Putin's troops fleeing the country in military trucks after a decade of bloodshed. And satellite pics from a Russian airbase on the west coast reveals how Vlad's men have been forced to take apart their attack helicopters and air defence units before leaving hot on Assad's tail. Bloodthirsty dictator President Bashar al-Assad was removed from power last week in an incredible 10-day blitz by rebel forces.

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how DID Putin sneak Assad out of Syria? 'GREAT VICTORY' Moment Putin's troops flee Syria & satellite pics show army base dismantled He fled to Russia - where longtime pal Putin gave him sanctuary - and where the twisted pair will now be licking their wounds after a double-pronged defeat. Putin had sent his forces to Syria some nine years ago to help keep Assad in power during unrest in the country. But on Friday footage captured by Channel 4 sho.

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