
Dart Mining is racking up a pipeline of prospective gold targets begging to feel the bite of the drill bit at its recently acquired Triumph project in Queensland. While a diamond rig has been spinning around the clock peppering the Constitution prospect, old fashioned “boots on ground” reconnaissance mapping and rock chip sampling has simultaneously been conducted over Dart’s 137 square kilometres of premium tenure. The company says field activities have confirmed visual observations of mineralisation in five new under-explored target locations that extend the prospective Southern Corridor.

Close by, historical rock chip samples collected by previous explorers Metal Bank and Roar Resources returned a stellar 53.5 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, 47.1 g/t and 32.

7 g/t gold that remain untouched by the drill bit. Interestingly, the rock specimens contained both fresh sulphides and iron oxide replacement of sulphides intermingled with quartz veining. These observations are key geological signatures of known gold and silver mineralisation systems at Triumph and hint at a gold mineralised system buried below.

Additionally, handheld portable X-ray fluoresence (pXRF) analysis of the samples yielded anomalous pathfinder elements known to Triumph. While not precise, elevated readings of arsenic, silver, zinc and lead with the pXRF are encouraging. According to management, the new targets highlight the attractive resource expansion potential at Triumph.

These early rock chip samples c.

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