
Yahoo Sports’ Jason Fitz chats with Olympic surfer Brisa Hennessy about the excitement of surfing in the Olympics, the unique challenges of competing in Tahiti, and the sport's growing global recognition. Brisa joined Yahoo Sports on behalf of Video Transcript I'm Jason Fitz with Yahoo Sports hanging out with Brisa Hennessy Olympic surfer, which is just the coolest thing in the world to say. Let's just start there.

The Olympics coming around the corner for you as a surfer. What does it mean? Because you guys have now, this is the second time surfing has been in the Olympics. What does it mean for your sports still to be getting this level of recognition? Yeah, it's incredible.

I mean 2021 was the first time I feel like surfing was brought to the world in this incredible new platform of the Olympics and to have it, you know, as a second year, I feel like the momentum is building and this new wave is happening while the Olympics are obviously taking place in Paris, you're gonna be in Tahiti. So that puts you guys totally separate from everybody else. What does that mean for the experience in your mind? Yeah.

You know, I think we're gonna be with, you know, all the athletes that I feel like we know already pretty well. Um It was amazing to be in, you know, Japan and, you know, getting to know all the incredible athletes all around the world. But you know, to actually tune in and focus on what our goal is and mother nature and the ocean.

I feel like Tahiti is the most beautiful place that will really bring the true light and beauty of surfing. Is there a moment for you where different environments matter? Because obviously you guys do this all over the world. Are there certain environments you think bring out the best in surfers? 100%? Yeah, surfing is such a interesting sport.

We rely so heavily on mother nature and the ocean and because of that conditions change and there's so much variables that are constantly thrown at us. But that's the beauty of it. That's the way that we tap into the present moment.

And I think Tahiti is one of those places that really truly showcases um the magic of surfing in every way, the the way that the wave comes in from the ST water and hits the shelf and it barrels and I think the barrel is the most magical place in the world. You're joining us on behalf of Eventbrite. Tell everybody what you've been up to with them.

Yeah, Eventbrite is this incredible platform. I feel like in this day and age of so much technology, they've really, I think showcase connection. Um It's all these different events that you can, you can go to or you can create your own.

And I think connect with people and connect with your passions, things that you're interested in. Um It's amazing and really grateful to partner with them this year and also create my own collection in Southern California, which is super exciting, which is poetry, painting all the things..

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