
Actor Rhoyle Ivy King chatted about starring in “All American: Homecoming” Season 3. On being a part of this series, he said, ” It’s something that I’ll always hold close. We came together and collectively created something much bigger than ourselves.

We overcame obstacles, flew over hurdles, and found a way to laugh through it all.” He opened up about his favorite part of playing his character, Nathaniel Hardin. “My favorite part is hearing ‘I wish I had a friend like her.

’ That so many people, despite how different they are, were able to connect to her heart and humanity,” he said. On his daily motivations as an actor and performer, he said, “In all transparency, I’m not motivated each day. Some days all I want to do is absolutely nothing, and sometimes I’ll do just that if I can.

” “One thing I never sway on is that I was called to this craft, built for it. That there is an older version of myself, that’s depending on me to not give up. So I won’t battle myself.

If I need to take a day, I’ll take it. As long as I don’t lose my war,” he added. On being an actor in the digital age, he said, “It feels like endless opportunities, and too many opportunities at the same time.

I think my biggest challenge is navigating how to be an actor on social media, in the age of the influencer.” “An influencer requires a completely different level of hustle,” he said. “To keep up with the new trend, create the next ‘challenge’ that their audience will learn, adjusting to how the platforms always change.

Whereas, I have scripts to read, self tapes to get in, and characters to build from scratch.” He continued, “Between actors, influencers, self tapes and content creation we’ve both had to learn so much on our own about lighting, sound, cameras, and editing. I think in the digital age a lot of new filmmakers will emerge.

Which could be a scary idea for the current business model of entertainment.” “In a way I see it like a creative revolution, the art coming back to the creatives that actually own it,” he added. Regarding his future plans, he shared, “Presently, on the press run for Homecoming, and auditioning for the next.

Really wanting to prioritize time with my friends and family as much as I can.” For young and emerging actors and performers, he said, “As someone who has the craziest stories on the pursuit to where I am now, I’ve learned that a lot of the Hollywood dreams we have, are actually pretty empty.” “Becoming a series regular, seeing myself on a poster, watching myself on Netflix, collaborating with brands, covers, interviews.

.. All of these things are dreams that came true.

But, then there’s tomorrow. And that high is gone,” he said. “You find that all the substance was the moments between.

The memories we made, the laughs we had. The bonds we formed,” he noted. “My advice would be to look at those friends that are around you now.

The ones that help you with your self tapes, that send you memes constantly, that are there for you when you’re not winning. They are your tribe. Absorb every moment with them.

You’ll cherish people who truly know you one day,” he elaborated. On his definition of the word success, he said, “To me it means going after the life I want, and not waiting for permission.” “I once heard someone say ‘How you spend your days, is how you spend your life.

’ You can call yourself anything you want, an actor, singer, writer, but eventually you’ll actually have to pick up the pin and write, you’ll actually have to get up and act,” he elaborated. “You have to become those things before the opportunity presents itself. Or you won’t be ready,” he added.

For fans and viewers, he remarked, “Listen, none of us were ready for this to be the final season. We see your tweets, your petitions, and feel your outpour of love. My biggest hope is that you also find the space to truly enjoy a show that only exists because of you.

” “With all the challenges we faced, the one thing that we always stood on is that it was for you, for us, and for the culture. You have always been an inspiration that gave this show life,” he concluded. To learn more about Rhoyle Ivy King, follow him on Instagram .

Markos Papadatos is Digital Journal's Editor-at-Large for Music News.Papadatos is a Greek-American journalist and educator that has authored over 21,000 original articles over the past 18 years. He has interviewed some of the biggest names in music, entertainment, lifestyle, magic, and sports.

He is a 16-time "Best of Long Island" winner, where for three consecutive years (2020, 2021, and 2022), he was honored as the "Best Long Island Personality" in Arts & Entertainment, an honor that has gone to Billy Joel six times..

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