
Black Box Theatre, GalwayUntil July 27 Valene Kane, Stephen Brennan, Cathy Belton and Robert Sheehan in Mark O’Rowe’s new ensemble play, Reunion. Photo: Marcin Lewandowski The family has so often provided the meat of Irish storytelling, with the Irish mother frequently martyred at its core. Mark O’Rowe’s new play is a devious romp around this theme, laying gleeful waste to the entire concept of family loyalty or care.

Set in a holiday home on an island off the west coast of Ireland, mother Elaine has invited her two daughters and son, along with their partners, for a holiday reunion. The get-together is in part to remember her husband Sean, to share stories about him. Elaine’s sister Gina arrives unannounced, recently separated from her partner of 13 years and in emotional turmoil.

A couple of outsiders feature: local man Aonghus is a former boyfriend of daughter Marilyn, and Felix is the separated father of the son Maurice’s girlfriend. Join the Irish Independent WhatsApp channel Stay up to date with all the latest news.

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