
Three ageing Kiwis tell Sinead Corcoran Dye how it feels to move house for the last time in their twilight years ‘It’s just all about getting on with life – even when you know this is your ‘last stop’ Robyn, 71, retired nurse My husband Renzo and I recently celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary – and soon after I knew it was the right time to make our “final move” into a retirement village . At the time he felt it was too soon – but his health issues were increasing, and our family home was too far from the local hospital. We’ve been here 10 months now.

It was definitely a huge move though, and it took us months to settle into this new way of living . We were told it would take at least a year to adjust. But I have no regrets.

It was time for a new family to live in our big home and for us to move on to the next stage of our life. And I think it’s good to come here early to enjoy all the benefits while you are able..

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