
Kollam: The police have seized numerous documents related to financial transactions of various institutions from the residence of Saritha, the prime suspect in the alleged (81). According to the police, Saritha is the mastermind behind the accident in which Pappachan was killed. On Sunday afternoon, police searched the houses of the accused.

Saritha’s rented two-story luxury house is equipped with air conditioners. Rs 24,000 per month was the rent. Police examined her bank deposit records for two hours.

When the investigation team arrived at the house of Anoop, the fourth accused, they found nothing of significance and returned within minutes. The police also searched the homes of two other suspects, Animon and Hasif, completing the process in under half an hour. The case took a darker turn when Rachel, Pappachan’s daughter, raised suspicions about her father’s death.

She found it hard to believe that her father, a pensioner who had no urgent financial needs, would take out loans. Rachel, a college teacher in Lucknow, revealed that her father had sold all his shares in the stock market causing more doubts. "None of the private bank employees informed us about any loans taken by my father.

We hadn’t inquired about his investments for some time, but there was no reason for him to need money urgently," Rachel said. She also noted that her father, who had no health issues, was a caring and generous man. "He used to stay up until 3:00 am to feed stray dogs.

He would always say they are poor animals, let them eat. He always reaches out to people whenever they have any problems," she said. Initially believed to be an accident, the case took a turn when CCTV footage revealed otherwise, prompting the police to conduct a thorough investigation that led to the identification of the suspects.

Saritha later confessed to the police that she had loaned out the stolen money to others at high interest rates. The police suspect that some of the documents she provided, including a deposit certificate given to Pappachan to deposit money in a private bank, may be forged. If these documents are proven to be fake, the investigation could widen to determine if more people are involved.

Additionally, if original documents from a financial institution were used to create the forgeries, the institution itself may file a complaint..

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