
Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin The Skyline Bar at Lufthansa's new Business and First Class Lounge at Newark Airport. Lufthansa Lufthansa ’s new Allegris Business and First Class aren’t yet flying to New York (Vancouver, Toronto, Chicago, and Shanghai got it first) but a glimpse of the sharp design of the new cabins is on view in the premium lounge the airline opened at Newark Liberty International Airport last week. The 10 million euro lounge is part of a 2.

5 billion euro investment that the Lufthansa Group is funneling into improving the overall customer experience worldwide through next year. And that is part of an even larger fleet modernization investment of three billion euros a year through 2032. Several seating options in the Lufthansa lounge.

Lufthansa Part of the enhanced customer experience investment is earmarked for lounges, starting, in this case, with the ability to get in: the good news for passengers who sometimes find themselves squeezed out of other airport lounges is that the redesign increased the previous size by 25% to 6,370 square feet, accommodating 165 guests. The passengers who will gain access include Lufthansa First Class, Business Class, HON Circle, the airline’s highest elite level, and Senator; First and Business Class passengers from Lufthansa Group’s other airlines, SWISS and Austrian Airlines will also be allowed in. So will Star Alliance Gold members flying on a Lufthansa Group flight that day.

The seating near the casual bistro. Lufthansa What they’ll find here, apart from the light wood paneling and taupe, gray and dark brown soft leather couches and chairs is a space divided by function. Approximately one third of the lounge is devoted to business needs with communal tables and facilities for wireless charging and printing.

The remaining space is allocated for seating individually, in couples, or in groups; two multifunction soundproofed rooms can either serve as a space for meetings, private calls or for children to play without annoying the other guests. MORE FOR YOU Netflix’s Best New Movie Arrives With A Perfect 100% Critic Score Trump Reposts AI-Generated Images Claiming Taylor Swift Fans Support Him ‘Golden Opportunity’—Bitcoin And Crypto Are Suddenly Braced For A ‘Critical’ Fed Price Earthquake The First Class and HON dining space. Laurie Werner There’s a dining area of high top tables near the casual bistro and its rotating selection of dishes often composed of local ingredients such as Jersey cornbread with candied tomato jam, a tasting board of Chevre, Jersey Taylor Ham, Aged Cheddar and Smoked Turkey with a choice of breads and accoutrements such as hot honey and basil pesto or sandwiches with trumpet mushrooms, bacon, crisp lettuce and tomato chutney on sourdough bread.

The small, private dining room reserved for First Class passengers and HON members serves more elaborate dishes such as Scallops with shaved fennel, horseradish and Meyer Lemon cream, Brown Sugar Pork Tenderloin with whipped parsnips and cayenne heirloom carrots, Harvest Squash Risotto and Basil Pesto with Parmesan crisps and aged Cheddar and Butterscotch Panna Cotta along with premium wines and champagne. (It also has banquettes in the dark blue leather featured in Allegris onboard.) At the center of the lounge, the horseshoe shaped Skyline Bar has classic cocktails, others designed specifically for the lounge and barstool seats meant to encourage travelers to mix with each other pre-flight.

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There are apparently plans afoot, though, to open new lounges along similar lines in New York’s JFK and Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C. No timelines have yet been announced but perhaps they will correspond to those cities’ Allegris arrival; one aircraft each month is being fitted with the product which increases to two each month next year.

So eventually that luxe service is destined to turn up around here..

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