
You have important choices to make in this election. You can choose between a party that believes in killing babies up until the ninth month of pregnancy, or a party that respects life and will create policies that will assist pregnant women and maintain the dignity of life. You can choose a party that wants hard working Americans to pay off the debts of those who chose to go to college, or a party that expects individuals to take the responsibility of paying off the debt which they knowingly created.

You can choose a party that wants taxpayers to assist with the purchase of a home, or a party that understands that burdening the taxpayers with socialistic programs drives up inflation and diminishes the drive of hardworking Americans. You can choose a party that believes in open borders which allows drug and child traffickers and felons to enter our country. Or a party that takes control of the borders so that those coming over are screened to only allow law abiding immigrants to enter.

You can choose a party that is anti-Christian or a party that will allow you to keep your freedom of religion. You can choose a party that promotes war to pad their pockets or a party that will strengthen America and negotiate our country out of wars. This election is about good verses evil, peace verses warmongering, freedom verses tyranny, and prosperity verses poverty.

Please vote. The future of America is depending on it! Joe Rainosek, Victoria.

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