
This week will start off on a busy note. We are coming off of a full moon in Aquarius that happened on Monday. The full moon is the time of the month that brings heightened activity and visibility, so work that you’ve been developing recently may come together, or you could be preparing to launch a project.

You may also feel more connected to people, and you could be busy with social activities or community events. However, you may have a lot of emotions come up, or you may realise that you need to make changes or adjustments to a certain area of your life. In addition, you will be thinking about your future and how you can work towards the goals you have set for yourself.

Sign up to the Vogue Daily newsletter Meanwhile, Thursday marks the start of Virgo season. Over the next month, you will feel the urge to get more organised and stick to a regular routine. You may want to adopt healthier everyday habits too, like exercising regularly, getting more sleep, or changing up the types of food you’re eating.

You may feel extra motivated at work as well, and you could be more productive than usual. Virgo season can be a time of perfectionism though, so try not to be overly self critical. Aries Horoscope 21 March – 19 April You will feel supported by people this week, Aries, with the full moon in Aquarius.

You might be busy meeting up with friends or attending group gatherings. You could also be thinking of ways you can be more involved in your community, or you’re reflecting on your future hopes and dreams. As Virgo season begins, you will want to be mindful of your health.

You may be scheduling routine doctor’s appointments, exercising regularly, or getting to sleep at an earlier hour. In addition, you may be met with new work projects and opportunities, and you’re staying productive. Taurus Horoscope 20 April – 21 May You will see career developments happen this week, Taurus, with the full moon in Aquarius.

You might hear back about a job opportunity, or you could be launching a big project. You may also receive public attention and praise for your work, or you could assume greater responsibilities in another area of your life. As Virgo season begins, you will also be finding ways to have fun outside of your job.

You might be planning a vacation, scheduling fun activities with your friends, or thinking about what creative hobby or passion project you want to pursue next. Gemini Horoscope 22 May – 21 June Your life beliefs might be shifting this week, Gemini, with the full moon in Aquarius. You could be deepening your spiritual practice, or you may be learning about a different culture or subject.

You may also be travelling, or you could be wrapping up projects related to writing, teaching or speaking. As Virgo season begins, you will be turning your attention to your home and family. You may be reflecting on where you want to move, or you could be seeing your loved ones.

However, you may be emotional about a childhood memory or family relationship. Cancer Horoscope 22 June – 22 July You will be focused on your own self improvement this week, Cancer, with the full moon in Aquarius. You may be changing the way you react to relationship conflict, or you could want to better understand your own emotions.

On another note, you may be making a big purchase or paying off a lot of debt. As Virgo season begins, you will feel more social, and you may be attending events, meeting up with friends, or possibly travelling. You could have greater motivation to write, teach yourself a new skill, or take a class on a topic of interest.

Leo Horoscope 23 July – 22 August You will feel more connected to people this week, Leo, with the full moon in Aquarius. You might be spending quality time with your partner or a good friend, and you could feel closer to them. If you’re single, you may have success dating, or you’re figuring out where a relationship is headed.

As Virgo season begins, you may be motivated to launch new projects at work, or ask for a raise. If you are self employed, you might be expanding your business or attracting higher paying clients. In addition, you might be shopping and spending more money overall.

Virgo Horoscope 23 August – 23 September You will be extra busy and may want to find ways to boost your productivity this week, Virgo, with the full moon in Aquarius. You could be juggling numerous small tasks at your job, and you’re wanting to be more efficient with your time. You may also be reflecting on what work holds the most meaning to you, or you could be adopting healthier everyday habits.

As your season begins, you may want to get a haircut or change up your style. You might be exploring new personal interests and tapping into different sides of your identity too. Libra Horoscope 24 September – 23 October You will be finding outlets for your creative self expression this week, Libra, with the full moon in Aquarius.

You might be dabbling in a new hobby or preparing to launch a passion project you’ve been developing. You may also realise how you can build yourself up, rather than relying so much on people for positive feedback. As Virgo season begins, you may want some space to be alone, and you could feel low energy.

You may be turning to a spiritual practice, like journaling, yoga, or meditation, or you’re confronting any mindsets that are holding you back. Scorpio Horoscope 24 October – 23 November You will be busy with home and family related activities this week, Scorpio, with the full moon in Aquarius. You could be visiting with family, or you may make realisations about certain family dynamics or childhood memories.

You could also be moving, redecorating, or cleaning and organising your home. As Virgo season begins, you may have several social events pop up, or you’re motivated to plan a group activity. You may notice that friends or people you know are connecting you to various opportunities too, and you’re feeling optimistic about your goals for the future.

Sagittarius Horoscope 24 November – 21 December You will be on the go this week, Sagittarius, with the full moon in Aquarius. You might be meeting up with friends or attending an event or cultural offering in your city. Inspiration for writing or speaking related work may strike too, and you’re reflecting on how you can best communicate your knowledge to people.

As Virgo season begins, you will be moving ahead in your career, and you could get approached about new work opportunities. You may also be developing a bigger work project, or you’re receiving public attention for recent work. Capricorn Horoscope 22 December – 20 January You will be reflecting on your role at work this week, Capricorn, with the full moon in Aquarius.

You may be reflecting on how you can make more money, or how you might have greater control over your own projects. You may also be spending more on shopping or nice experiences. As Virgo season begins, you might be preparing to travel, or you could be motivated to put your ideas into writing or teaching work.

You might be signing up for a class or want to research a specific subject or belief system more in depth. Aquarius Horoscope 21 January – 19 February You will be making important realisations about yourself this week, Aquarius, with the full moon in your sign. You might be uncovering new interests or sides of your identity that you didn’t know existed.

You could also receive attention and opportunities from people, or you’re changing up an element of your personal style. As Virgo season begins, you may be introspective, and you could want to change certain patterns and behaviours that are no longer working for you, especially when it comes to relationships. You may also be making bigger purchases or putting money into savings.

Pisces Horoscope 20 February – 20 March You may feel more emotional this week, Pisces, with the full moon in Aquarius. You could also be low energy, or you may be facing repressed feelings coming up. In addition, you may want to let go of situations or mindsets that are holding you back, or you’re turning to a quiet spiritual practice.

As Virgo season begins, you will be prioritising your close relationships. You might be supporting your partner or a good friend, or you’re teaming up with someone at work. If you’re single, you may want to put yourself out there in the dating scene.


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