
Believe it or not, we’re already into the second half of Reacher Season 3. Thursday marked the debut of the fifth episode of Reacher‘s third season, and “Smackdown” delivered perhaps the most surprising moment of the season to-date. As Reacher continues his undercover work inside Beck’s mansion, one of his most important allies has lost their life in a moment that marks yet another enormous change from the Lee Child novel this new season is based on.

WARNING: This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS for the latest episode of Reacher! Continue reading at your own risk...

While undercover at the mansion, Reacher only has a couple of people he can rely on. The DEA team he’s working with (off the books) is made up of Susan Duffy, Guillermo Villanueva, and Steven Eliot. The latter of that list is a rookie who has probably made more mistakes than great calls over the course of the season, but has been trying his best to keep up when the entire team is in over their heads.

Eliot is a relatable, well-meaning character who is just trying to do right by everyone around him. That’s why his death in Episode 5 is such a gut-punch. Eliot has been tasked with watching a kidnapped bodyguard at the DEA safe house.

In this latest episode, both Duffy and Villanueva are away, leaving Eliot alone with the prisoner. By appealing to Eliot’s kind heart, the bodyguard asks Eliot to help him with a cigarette. When Eliot isn’t looking, the man takes a swig of rubbing alcohol and holds it in .

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