Rasika Dugal was recently shooting in Rajasthan, the actress took a break to explore the vibrant Pink City, Jaipur. During her filming schedule in the heritage town of Mandawa, renowned for its exquisite havelis, she seized the opportunity to unwind and embrace the local culture, turning into a tourist and soaking in the beauty of the region’s rich history and architecture. She said, “I’d visited Mandawa years ago for a short shoot but couldn’t explore.
This time, I had an evening off, so we strolled through the main market,” she shares. Rasika enjoyed discovering charming shops, picking up festive juttis, and admiring antique laces. “Handiwork has always held a special place in my heart.
” She also toured Mandawa Fort with a local guide, wrapping up the day with a chai at the fort’s highest point, watching the sunset over the town. After wrapping up her shoot, Rasika explored Jaipur, a city she describes as “the perfect blend of chaos and serenity.” Wandering through the bustling markets of Jaipur, the actress immersed herself in the city's lively atmosphere, taking in the sights and sounds of the iconic monuments that tell tales of Rajasthan’s royal heritage.
She indulged in one of the city’s most beloved snacks, pyaaz kachoris, savoring the crispy, spicy delight from a local vendor. Also Read : Shefali Shah, Huma Qureshi, and Rasika Dugal begin shooting for Delhi Crime 3: Report BOLLYWOOD NEWS - LIVE UPDATES Catch us for latest Bollywood News , New B.