
Despite his busy schedule, Bollywood actor spent quality time with his daughter Raha. A fun Sunday video of Raha with her father Ranbir Kapoor has surfaced on social media, becoming increasingly viral. This video went viral within minutes of being posted and once again the mini Alia of the Kapoor family came into the limelight.

These days the actor, who is busy shooting for Nitesh Tiwari's epic drama 'Ramayan', was recently seen in a cool style with his daughter on Sunday. People are having a hard time keeping their calm after seeing Raha's cuteness. A video of Raha with Ranbir Kapoor is in discussion on social media, the special reason for this is that this time she was seen posing in front of the paparazzi and showing a playful style while giving very cute facial expressions.

After this, people started calling Raha Kapoor Choti Alia (Mini Alia). In this viral video, she is seen walking outside her house waiting for her father Ranbir. Watch the video here: In the video, Raha is seen waving her hand and looking for Ranbir.

As soon as the 'Ramayan' actor comes to her. Later, Ranbir picks up Raha and both of them go inside the house laughing. Raha looked very cute in a white T-shirt with a reindeer face, which she paired with brown-coloured shorts and a pink cute shoot.

Ranbir, on the other hand, can be seen wearing a grey T-shirt with matching pants and a cap. Ranbir was an assistant director in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's film 'Black'. He made his acting debut in Sanjay's film 'Saawariya' opposite .

He later made a mark with films like 'Bachna Ae Haseeno', 'Wake Up Sid', 'Rajneeti' and 'Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani'. He worked with Alia for the first time in Ayan Mukerji's 'Brahmastra', after which they got married. The actor was last seen in Sandeep Reddy Vanga's film 'Animal'.

Ranbir's upcoming films are 'Ramayan', 'Love and War' and 'Animal Park'..

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