Ranbir Kapoor is currently filming for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Love and War, alongside Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal. A recent video from the set has gone viral, showcasing a heartfelt moment as Ranbir celebrated his spot boy’s birthday with the crew. The clip captured Ranbir singing the birthday song, then cutting the cake, with the spot boy offering Ranbir the first bite as a gesture of respect and gratitude.
Ranbir waited patiently while the cake was shared with others, later playfully smearing some on the spot boy’s face and nose as he wished him well. He then hugged him warmly, expressing appreciation. As he made his way out, Ranbir even picked up a piece of cake that had fallen on the floor.
The video’s caption read, “RK celebrating his longtime spot boy’s birthday,” reflecting a glimpse of Ranbir’s down-to-earth nature. Fans responded with admiration, with one commenting that Ranbir is “a true gentleman,” and another calling the moment “beautiful.” In the video, Ranbir was seen sporting a clean-shaven look, contrasting with the thick beard he had for his last film, Animal.
He was dressed in all-black casual attire with his hair slicked back, giving him a relaxed appearance. Love and War is Ranbir’s second collaboration with Sanjay Leela Bhansali, after his 2007 debut in Saawariya. In this period drama, he stars alongside his wife, Alia Bhatt, and Vicky Kaushal.
Following some delays, the film is expected to release in March 2026. Ranbir is also.