Mega Power Star Ram Charan continues to make headlines, not just for his stellar performances but also for his impeccable sense of style. The actor recently appeared on the talk show Unstoppable with NBK, hosted by Nandamuri Balakrishna, wearing an eye-catching Amiri Bones Hoodie. What grabbed everyone's attention was the price tag—a staggering ₹1,35,722.
30 plus taxes! The hoodie, from the luxury American brand Amiri, is a part of its iconic Bones collection, known for its edgy and artistic designs. Ram Charan’s choice of outfit perfectly blends casual and premium fashion, proving yet again that he is a trendsetter both on and off the screen. Fans couldn’t stop raving about his stylish appearance, with many praising his knack for making luxury look effortlessly cool.
The episode of Unstoppable with NBK also trended widely, fueled by the buzz around Ram Charan’s presence and his conversation with Balakrishna. Ram Charan’s fashion choices often make headlines, and this isn’t the first time the actor has sported high-end luxury brands. As he continues to dominate both the film and fashion worlds, fans eagerly await his next iconic look.