Actor Ram Charan is currently busy promoting his upcoming film 'Game Changer'. On Saturday, he arrived in Mumbai for a press meet where he opened up about working in Shankar's directorial, which also stars in the lead role. He also recalled collaborating with acclaimed filmmaker S.
S. Rajamouli in the global hit 'RRR'. Calling both directors "taskmasters", Ram Charan said, "Both Mr Rajamouli sir and Shankar Sir are task masters.
They give you every opportunity to perform and be your best...
It is rare to work with someone who keeps pushing you. There is not one day that you get to relax with them. Shankar sir is so particular.
.. whether it's Rajinikanthji, Kamal Haasanji, or me, he is so mastered in his craft.
" Ram Charan said that working with Shankar on Game Changer was a "dream come true moment" for him. "Rajamouli sir also said that he (Shankar) is the epitome of commercial films, of larger-than-life films. He has defined global cinema.
He was the first pan-Indian director we had. Hats off to him. It's a blessing to work for five years with Rajamouli Garu and then Shankar Garu, it is so enriching as an actor, there's so much to learn," he added.
At the event, Ram Charan was joined on stage by producer Dil Raju, SJ Suryah, and distributor Anil Thadani. During an interactive session, the team discussed the film's powerful messaging, breathtaking visuals, and family-friendly narrative. During the press meet, and the Game Changer team also recreated one of the hand gestures don.