Trailblazer Ralph Lauren, who has far and wide made his name synonymous with classy and peppy formal wear, recently made history as the first fashion designer to receive the prestigious Presidential Medal of Freedom, awarded by Joe Biden. Accompanied by his wife Ricky, the iconic designer made his way to the stage clad in a classy formal ensemble featuring a tweed herringbone blazer, crisp white shirt, knit tie, and a pair of navy blue trousers. Ralph Lauren was joined by 18 other honorees, including notable figures such as Hillary Clinton, José Andrés, Magic Johnson, Denzel Washington, and Jane Goodall, who carried a stuffed toy gorilla to the event.
Fashion Designer Ralph Lauren makes history President Joe Biden opened the ceremony with positive remarks, reiterating the contributions of the honorees in shaping America’s culture and values, even in challenging times. For Ralph Lauren specifically, when presenting the medal, Biden spoke of the designer's journey, his significant influence on American fashion and culture, and his charitable efforts. With teary eyes, the 85-year old designer listened as the President described him as a symbol of the American dream and a reminder of the country’s unique style as a nation of dreamers and achievers.
The official social media account of Ralph Lauren tweeted, "During a prestigious ceremony held in Washington D.C., Mr.
Lauren received the nation’s highest civilian honor, recognizing his extraordinary contributions and influ.