Raj Kundra breaks his silence on the adult film scandal, challenging alleged victims to ‘come forward’ with evidence. Denying all accusations, he demands transparency while addressing the controversial claims head-on. New Delhi: Bollywood diva Shilpa Shetty’s husband Raj Kundra is in the news again for the alleged pornography case.
For those who missed it, the businessman was summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to probe into the adult film case. Some days ago, ED had conducted raids at multiple locations across the city including actress Gehana Vasisht’s house. Now, Raj Kundra has broken the silence and denied producing any kind of adult film.
He even added that he felt ‘hurtful’ when the case came to light. Raj defended his stance and revealed that he was granted bail because there was no evidence against him. Scroll down to read more! Raj Kundra denies producing pornographic content He said, “I know I have not done anything wrong.
As far as running an App is concerned, there was a listed company in my son’s name and we used to provide technology services.” “As far as my involvement is concerned, it is purely been a technology provider. Let a girl come forward who says that I have met Raj Kundra or worked in any of his movies, or has Raj Kundra ever produced any movie.
Media says Raj Kundra is the kingpin of all 13 Apps, I am involved in the participation of software technology only and nothing wrong was being run in that App,” Raj Kundra claim.