
Flossing doesn’t just keep your teeth clean and gums healthy, it also helps to prevent bad breath and may even protect your heart. Some research suggests a link between poor oral hygiene practices and increased risk of infection that can lead to cardiovascular disease. We all know it’s a good thing to do.

So why are so many of us lazy when it comes to flossing? First, most people may not realize just how important it really is. Toothbrushing is essential, of course, but flossing gets into all those hard-to-reach spaces between teeth where sneaky food particles can collect and hide out. If left unchecked, the plaque buildup in these nooks and crannies may eventually lead to inflammatory gingivitis, periodontitis and tooth loss.

Flossing takes practice to master. It’s not enough to merely snap the string in between your teeth and call it a day. Start with an 18-inch piece and wind it around your fingers, moving down the string as you go so that you’re continually working with fresh floss.

Using a gentle sawing motion, slide the floss in between your teeth down to the gumline and around the edges of each tooth, proceeding all the way around your uppers and lowers. (You can also use a floss threader if the spaces in between your teeth are especially tight, or try waxed floss for easier sliding action.) Many people prefer to brush their teeth immediately after flossing, or at the very least, rinsing out their mouths with water to remove food particles and plaque.

Floss picks may be a little easier to maneuver than string floss, but they’re also more expensive. And because they only contain a tiny amount of floss per pick, you may find yourself using more of them and generating a higher amount of plastic waste in the process. Another option, some handheld flossers use a stream of water to blast away food and plaque around the gumline, making them a great option for anyone who wears braces (although they may not penetrate the spaces in between teeth as effectively as standard floss).

In addition to brushing for at least two minutes twice a day, the American Dental Association recommends flossing once daily to remove the plaque and particles brushing can miss. Out of sight, out of mind? Make flossing a priority by keeping dental floss next to your toothbrush at home, in your purse or in a desk drawer at work. Or stock a glass jar with flosser picks to stow on a bathroom shelf or counter where you’ll see them as a reminder.

Challenge yourself to floss consistently for an entire month, track your progress and treat yourself to a small reward once you hit your goal. Set a good example for the kids by getting the whole family involved in flossing and making it part of your regular morning or nighttime routine. Over time, flossing can become an ingrained habit you won’t even have to think about.

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