
The Put Big Light on festival will be returning to Bolton this Christmas along with “something spectacular” for the town centre. The stunning light show first came to the town centre last December in place of a more traditional Christmas light switch. It proved to be a popular hit and addressing Bolton Council this month cabinet member for culture Cllr Nadeem Ayub said it will return again this festive period.

He said: “Put Big Light on, our light art trail will return in December and there are exciting plans underway to bring the highest quality of light pieces to Bolton.” He added: “I can confirm more details for events later in the year and that the earth will be on show at Bolton Central Library and something spectacular is planned for Victoria Square.” A reindeer in the town centre last year (Image: Henry Lisowski) Last year’s Put Big Light on Festival opened on November 30 and featured a display dubbed “Borealis” created by artist Dan Archer.

It was on display for six nights in Bolton town centre around the town hall and Victoria Square. The museum of the moon was had been created by artist Luke Jerram and was on display for the same six nights at the central library. Last year's Moon Museum (Image: Henry Lisowski) Cllr Ayub had been addressing a full meeting of Bolton Council when he confirmed that the display would be returning this year.

He also laid out some of the details about the upcoming Town of Culture programme for 2024 which will include a range of activities for people across age groups. ALSO READ: Crowds wowed as spectacular 'Borealis' light show and 'Moon Museum' opened in Bolton ALSO READ: Week two of Bolton's Put Big Light On ready to wow residents ALSO READ: Crowds wowed as 'Evanescent' and 'Aqualux' opens in Bolton Cllr Ayub said: “All of our cultural partners will come together to shine a light on our town and make it clear that we are delivering a cultural renaissance.” He had been responding to a question put by Cllr Karen Hon, of Great Lever, who had been asking how the Town of Culture programme would benefit the borough.

She said that she hoped this would build on events like Ironman, Bolton Pride, Right to Roam, the Food and Drink Festival in August and the Film Festival in October. Cllr Hon said she also hoped this would fit alongside the work done by the Octagon Theatre and other venues..

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