New Delhi: Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra’s choice of handbags has recently turned into a political talking point, triggering debates both inside and outside Parliament. The Congress leader, who is a new entrant to the Parliament after winning the seat vacated by her brother Rahul Gandhi after Lok Sabha elections earlier this year, has possibly chosen a very unique and ‘fashionable’ way of giving a pushback to the ruling side - printed handbags. While her ‘Palestine’ bag was still in the news, with the Opposition questioning its symbolism and relevance, she chose to bring another one with Bangladesh printed on it.
The move, good or bad, right or wrong, but has been a smart one with the media all buzzing over bags and the government side turning their heads to the ‘highlighted issues’. Also Read: What's Up With Priyanka Gandhi And Her Bags Her subtle hint at atrocities against minorities, be it Palestine or Bangladesh, has grabbed attention, as it became a talking point both inside and outside the Parliament. "Stand with Bangladeshi Hindus and Christians," the quote on her bag read.
Notably, the Wayanad MP had raised the issue of atrocities against minorities in Bangladesh in her address during the Zero Hour in the Lok Sabha on Monday. "The government should raise the issue of atrocities on minorities, both Hindus and Christians, in Bangladesh. We should discuss this with the Bangladesh government and support those who are in pain," she said.
Amid a fierce wint.