
OPINION We will never achieve true social justice, says Meghan Markle , unless we embolden girls and young women to “use their voice and be heard”. To this end, she told a conference on “Afro-Descendant Women and Power” at the weekend, she has always taken great care to “encourage” her daughter Lilibet through “the role-modelling I try to do as a mother”. And now, thanks to these efforts, she is “so proud” to report that Lilibet has “found her voice” .

Naturally, I congratulate Meghan on this remarkable achievement in parenting. I just wish she’d told us more. Mainly because Lilibet is only 3.

And, as a result, I’m simply dying to know how exactly such a very young girl is using this newfound “voice” of hers. If only Meghan had provided a few examples, to give us some idea of the key social issues that her infant daughter has been speaking out on. But sadly she refrained, no doubt due to a characteristic reluctance to show off.

So I’m afraid that all we can do is speculate..

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