
Ever felt pressed? What comes out when you’re squeezed? Have to admit, after a frustrating morning, tears slid down my cheeks over the last straw. After shoving away the anger, blame, and complaints. But I’m better now.

Taking a moment to reorganize priorities helps. At long last, the conversion to my new email service is complete. I’ve learned the new system—at least enough basics to send the monthly newsletter.

Watching a video helped. Sailed me through the rough patches and helped to avoid potholes. Now recruiting for my book launch starts in earnest.

Amid my work woes, I took a break and went shopping with my mama. We commandeer the largest dressing room in whatever store, and she tries on the clothes I bring, and vice versa. We decide which garment works best with our coloring—and we’re often surprised at how things shake out.

A very pleasant timeout. My husband hurt his knee tamping dirt into a hole while metal detecting. I knew something was wrong when he called my phone at 6:45 a.

m. I was already upstairs, but Dave wasn’t climbing stairs that morning. Around lunch time, he was getting around carefully.

Otherwise, he pretty much stayed in his recliner alternating heat and cold on his knee. In all honesty, he’s quite motivated to get past it. He mostly works for our son these days and doesn’t like to miss or get behind, and I’m not a particularly good nurse.

I spent a day working on the last book in my series, then switched to book launch prep. Recruitment starts next week. If you’d like to help, please shoot me an email, and I’ll send you a link for the launch application starting on Monday, August 12th.

One note: applicants need to be familiar with Facebook and willing to learn how to post graphics. Sign up to get our free daily email of the biggest stories! A book launch should be fun for the participants. Mine last three weeks, and there are weekly prizes and a GRAND PRIZE.

There’s a Facebook group to join to access social media graphics, and, of course, a free copy of the e-book to download and read for reviewing purposes. Glitter and the Grouch is a novella (short novel) that revolves around the Texas Water Safari. Sound familiar? The TWS is in our neck of the woods.

Here’s the elevator pitch: Calling all lovers of sport romances! Glitter and the Grouch is a love story that centers around a canoe race in Texas. Will Nat and Silas go the distance? The physical rigor of the race is their biggest challenge yet—but that’s only a paddle swish compared to what’s happening in their hearts. Stay tuned.

I’ll include the back cover blurb in another column. Let it suffice to say, I’ll be busy with all-things Glitter and the Grouch for the next six weeks. Anyone watching the Olympics these days? I always enjoy the competition and especially the individual stories of competitors.

There have been some exciting competitions this year. And, of course, being a loyal American, I am especially pleased when the US does well in any event. This year, however, I cheered for Rebecca Andrade, the Brazilian gymnast who won the gold medal for floor exercises.

Since our son is married to a Brazilian, that country now holds a special place in my heart. Interesting how your perspective widens when you love someone. How is your race going? Feeling pressed? Beyond the tears are the comforting words of the Apostle Paul: “.

.. yet one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

” (Philippians 3: 13-14, NAS).

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