
{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "NewsArticle", "dateCreated": "2024-08-15T12:57:25+02:00", "datePublished": "2024-08-15T12:57:25+02:00", "dateModified": "2024-08-15T13:08:12+02:00", "url": "https://www.newtimes.

co.rw/article/19242/news/featured/press-release-vivo-energyrwanda-appoints-new-managing-director", "headline": "PRESS RELEASE: Vivo Energy Rwanda appoints new managing director", "description": "Kigali, Rwanda. 13th August 2024: Vivo Energy Rwanda the company that distributes and markets Engen branded fuels and Shell lubricants, has appointed Mr.


", "keywords": "", "inLanguage": "en", "mainEntityOfPage":{ "@type": "WebPage", "@id": "https://www.newtimes.co.

rw/article/19242/news/featured/press-release-vivo-energyrwanda-appoints-new-managing-director" }, "thumbnailUrl": "https://www.newtimes.co.

rw/thenewtimes/uploads/images/2024/08/15/56588.jpeg", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.newtimes.

co.rw/thenewtimes/uploads/images/2024/08/15/56588.jpeg" }, "articleBody": "Kigali, Rwanda.

13th August 2024: Vivo Energy Rwanda the company that distributes and markets Engen branded fuels and Shell lubricants, has appointed Mr. Djiby Diene as Managing Director. This appointment follows the successful leadership of the company by Saibou Coulibaly over the past four years, who has been appointed Managing Director of Vivo Energy Mali.

Djiby has held a number of different leadership roles in Senegal, Mozambique, Guinea and Madagascar, and has always been instrumental in driving growth. Commenting on the new appointment, Hans Paulsen, Vivo Energy’sExecutive Vice President for the East region said: “I welcome Djibyto Rwanda and I have no doubt that his vast experience will be of great benefit to our business in Rwanda as we continue to deliver the best product and services to our customers.” Djiby added: “I would like to express my gratitude for the warm welcome I have received in your beautiful country.

My family and I are excited to experience the beauty and hospitality of Rwanda. and we will continue to push the boundary to delight our Retail and Commercial customers in the months and years to come.” ​", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "The New Times" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "The New Times", "url": "https://www.

newtimes.co.rw/", "sameAs": ["https://www.


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newtimes.co.rw/" } }.

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